Helping your dog feel at ease

Leaving your beloved pup at a boarding kennel can be a stressful experience for both you and your dog. To ensure a smooth transition and reduce your dog's anxiety, consider these tips and tricks:

1. Familiarize Your Dog with the Kennel: Before the drop-off date, schedule a few daycares for your dog. This helps them get familiar with the environment, routine and the staff, easing their anxiety when it's time to stay there.

3. Bring Comfort Items: Pack your dog's favorite toy, bedding, or a piece of your clothing with your scent. Having familiar items can provide a sense of security and make the new environment feel less intimidating.

4. Quick Goodbyes: When dropping off your dog, remain calm and composed. Dogs can pick up on our emotions, so it's essential to keep goodbyes upbeat, positive, and brief.

5. Communication with Staff: Provide the kennel staff with information about your dog's likes, dislikes, and any anxiety triggers. This can help them tailor their care to suit your dog's needs.

By following these tips, you can help alleviate your dog's anxiety and ensure that they have a comfortable and enjoyable stay at K9 Kennels.